Monday, September 12, 2016

Can We Get a Little Bit More Emotionally Reactive? (Kidding!)

Humanity is like an enormous spider web, so that if you touch it anywhere, you set the whole thing trembling … As we move around this world and as we act with kindness, perhaps, or with indifference, or with hostility, toward the people we meet, we too are setting the great spider web a-tremble. The life that I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and that in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place and time my touch will be felt. Our lives are linked together. No one is an island.
- Frederick Buechner

This morning I woke up, and took a few sips of coffee.  Caffeine served to pry open my eyes as I faced the first day back to the real world after a very peace filled vacation without Facebook rants, Trump shenanigans and assorted other craziness.

Something infinitely more potent than French Roast roused me, a blossoming rant about HRC "collapsing" at the 9/11 memorial. I watched a Youtube video that shows a very wobbly Hillary Clinton, being helped into her van. Then I read the comments and postings.  They ranged from critical to caustic. Some are diagnosing her "condition", others accusing her of subterfuge. Oh my God, really? Its freakin' pneumonia. Let's say that's the truth as our starting point. Here is my beef: She has been sick, was put on antibiotics on Friday. Yet, after collapsing on Sunday, having a fever and being rushed to the hospital, she professes to feel GREAT! I saw her say it! This is then followed by an announcement this morning that she has pneumonia. Huh? I know she is one tough lady, but this isn't toughness, this is stupidity or denial or both. We are not strong because we do not show weakness, we are strong when we can show our weaknesses and still get the job done. No wonder people are skeptical.

Colin McEnroe, Connecticut Public Broadcasting commentator, pointed out that this plays into two main negative narratives about HRC: 1. She is not upfront about things. 2. Something funky is going on with her health.

This woman is so stoic that, while I might understand her, I have trouble trusting her. Running for public office these days is tantamount to being thrown to the lions in Roman times. It's got to be the scariest process ever. Every wink, wrinkle and stumble is not only talked about, analyzed and judged, but also videoed and shared with the world.

But this isn't really about her. This is about you, and me and everyone else slinging misinformation, and caustic comments all over the internet without little regard to where they land or who they hurt. Hillary is not one of my favorite politicians, but she is a human being who has dedicated her entire life to public service. She has been sniped at, accused of treasonous and negligent behavior, and had her private life judged and scrutinized. Who wouldn't be a bit withholding having lived with that her whole adult life? Actually, for the first time ever, this situation brought up some compassion and empathy in me, for her. Maybe my husband is right, and I will end up voting for her.

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